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The Fourth Amendment protects you from unreasonable searches and seizures. However, we need to hold all human beings accountable, who by means of their governmental roles or jobs, as members of intelligence organizations or agencies, members of judiciary or law enforcement systems/networks, or by the private decision-making of individuals, businesses, or other entities, seek to illegally or without well-founded reason (notwithstanding the fact that evil & crooked humans do create "real" false evidence) violate the Fourth Amendment Rights of other citizens in the United States, but, also we seek via diplomacy and civilized work to bring that same fairness and advocacy to human beings all around the world, because we shall never forget that we are human first, a single part of a comprehensive humanity, and as such we always err when we put national interests, political, social, economic, religious, cultural, or otherwise, ahead of the greater need for international inclusion, dignity, peace, and fairness that all human beings equally deserve.
The Eighth Amendment prohibits cruel and unusual punishment.
The Second Amendment protects your right to bear arms. Nevertheless, human beings, countries, and private groups cannot so cynically imagine that they are not causing damage to the perceived rationality and intelligence that they profess to have, when countries or people in general yield so easily into devastating wars, unjust conflicts, and ennui filled disagreements that tend to forget, that we should be behaving as loving and rational human beings, first as a member of the human race on Earth, and not so irrationally as singular or collective irrational members of countries, religions, etcetera. A future that is truly sustainable will require that world powers and other institutions create a new system of politics, of economics, of future-compatible cultures that are better trained, educated, and mindfully aware of the comprehensive interconnected needs & nature of all humans, while embracing the beauty of individuality, and the rights of every human being to exercise his or her non-violent free will, even if at times it makes others uncomfortable. And last but not least, we cannot follow power nor the crowd in doing what is bad, simply because we are afraid, outnumbered, or feel less powerful. We can never be afraid, as a spiritually enduring human being in the universe, to always stand for or advocate for what is right. And never misjudge others so easily at face-value, because human beings have grown accustomed to hide many things. The future requires a continuous refinement of the transparency of process, in all things that human beings do, always, of course, within the constructs of willful privacy whenever chosen by the individual or the collective.
The Fifth Amendment protects your right against self-incrimination and guarantees due process of law.
The First Amendment protects your right to free speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of the press.
The Sixth Amendment guarantees your right to a fair trial, including the right to an attorney and the right to a speedy trial. Individuals with lots of money, influence, and power oftentimes abuse their resources to lengthen legal/court processes in order to undermine the powers of the judiciary system, thus attaining to a length of time allowing them to continue their criminal or "unfairly" illegal behaviors or actions. I mention "unfairly illegal", because after all White Americans used to "legally" own black people. Therefore, it is the laws themselves that we need to continously revise and redo as necessary, because the corruption power, the existence of crooked or evil humans does also oftentimes exercise evil tactics to abuse the legality of reason or the sought balanced nature of fairness.
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